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For a number of years this was the official site for the ICBTS International Academic Multidisciplinary Research Conferences.
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Content on this site is from its archived pages providing a brief glimpse of the conferences offered in 2015-2016.
ICBTS Conference Center was founded by IJBTS Research Journal for the purpose of publishing quality academic research, as well as hosting great conferences the academic research on various subjects. The first objective of this program is to give academics an opportunity to present their academic works, concepts and new discoveries. Moreover, participants will have a chance to exchange their ideas and develop their works. Also, they will meet academics from universities around the world and create alliances to improve their works.
Policy of Conference
Conference Proceeding Policy
ICTTT International conference on Tourism Transport and Technology is an open access conference which means that all content is freely available without charge to the readers, institutions, and corporations. Users are allowed to read, copy, download, print, search to the full texts of articles in this journal without asking prior permission from the publisher and the author.
ICTTT international conference on Tourism Transport and Technology is a committee conference and journal. All research articles in this conference under go strenuous peer review, based on initial editor screening by at least two anonymous referees.
All papers considered reasonable for this conference are forwarded to refereed for blind reviewed. The review process usually takes 1-2 weeks. Papers are accepted for publication subject to non substantive, stylistic editing.
The Editor reserves the right to make any necessary changes in the papers, or request the author to do so, or reject the paper submitted. A copy of the edited paper along with the first proofs will be sent to the author for proofreading. The copies should be corrected and returned to the Editor within fitfteen days. Once the final version of the paper has been accepted, authors are requested not to make further changes to the text.
Submission of a paper to this conference implies that the manuscript has not been published in, or submitted to, any other conference and that the authors(s) have obtain reasonable permission to use data obtained for and contained in the manuscript. Previous presentation at professional meetings should be mentioned in a footnote.
All manuscripts are subject to review by two or more independent, anonymous referees chosen by the Editor(s). If revision is necessary, the author is asked to resubmit the dated, revised manuscript incorporating the suggestions and recommendations of the referees within two months. Revisions not received within one months from the date of notice must be resubmitted as a new manuscript with reference to the previous submission.
All revisions must be accompanied with a letter detailing the changes made to the original document , changes should also be indicated directly on the manuscript. Revisions will be re-reviewed at the discretion of the editor(s). the author(s) of an accepted manuscript will be notified and receive paper for proofreading prior to publication.
Responsibility for accuracy in the final copy lies with the author(s). The Managing Editor reserve the right to return a manuscript to the corresponding author without peer review if the manuscript does not comply with the Journal for Authors.
This Conference dose not refund the payment for registration, academic attending, listening, guest, co-author, travel or tour of conference.
The International Academic Research Conference 2016
ICTTT2016 : European Academic Conference worldwide in 2016 the best quality academic workshops
ICTTT2016 International Conference on Tourism Transport & Technology
PURPOSE of Conference
This conference organized by ICBTS Institute and IJBTS Journal was three years ago we have the conference success eight events. Our objective is publishing academic research and international conference center worldwide. we have organized the quality academic conference and multidisciplinary.
In addition to the second objective of this program is to give academics an opportunity to present their academic works, concepts and new discoveries. Moreover, participants will have a chance to exchange their ideas and develop their works. Also, they will meet academics from universities around the world and create alliances to improve their works.
The third objective of this program is to allow academics to get to know one another closely. Participants will go to the field trip together and take part in the presentation of their works, leading to idea sharing. In addition, they will join in studying the distinctive qualities of the country, leading to the discovery and development of their academic knowledge. This opportunity will enable the academics to apply, improve and develop their works. Besides, they will have a room to share their ideas and draw on new academic works.
this conference worldwide 2015 please select submitted the conference topics as follow :
- International Tourism Transport and Technology Research Conference
- International Social Science and Humanities Research Conference
- International Business and Economic Research Conference
if your research interests belong in the classification in International Journal of Business Tourism and Applied Sciences. For an accurate and rigeous review, please put jet classification in article before submission.
Paper Submitted to :
Academic Advisory Board
Prof. Dr. Kai Heuer, Wismar University, Germany
Prof. Dr. Gilbert Nartea, Lincoin University, New Zealand
Prof. Dr. Ebrahim Soltani, Hamdunbin University, Dubai, UAE
Dr. Chayanan Kerdpitak, Suan Dusit University, Thailand
Chayanan Kerdpitak, Suan Dusit University, Thailand
Kai Heuer, Wismar University Business School, Germany
Tariq Khan, Brunel University, London, UK
Ebrahim Soltani, Hamdunbin University, Dubai, UAE
Jonathan Michie, Kellogg College, University of Oxford UK
Gilbert Nartea, Lincoln University, New Zealand
Marian S. Stachowicz, University of Minnesota, USA
Per Engelseth, Molde University College, Norway
Cyrille Bertelle, Le havre University,France
Aruna Apte, Naval Postgraduate School, USA
Dag Nastund, University of North Florida, USA
Anthony Beresford, Knn Toosi University of Technology, Iran
Erik J. de Bruijn, University of Twente, The Netherlands
Reza Lashkari, University of Winsor, Canada
Tore Markeset, University of Stavanger, Norway
Vinod Singhhal, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
Phaopak Sirisuk, King Mongkut's Institute of Technology Ladkrabang,Thailand
Susan L. Solis, Asian Institute of Tourism, University of the Philippines
Kamon Budsaba, Thammasart University, Thailand
Aruna Apte, Naval Postgraduate School, USA
Vinod Singhhal, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
Hiromi Ban, Fukui University of Technology, Japan
Ahmed Elbaze, University of Plymouth, United Kingdom
Welcome to academic international conference for scholars researcher lecturer teacher students to be join us presentation participation & share idea in conference event at any place in the world that they will have to get the knowledge for establish in new research
The 2016 International Academic Research Conference in Milan
10-12 November 2016
The 2016 International Academic Research Conference in Milan 10-12 November 2016
Welcome to academic international conference for scholars researcher lecturer teacher students to be join us presentation participation & share idea in conference event at any place in the world that they will have to get the knowledge for establish in new research .
ICTTT2016 London : Will be held at University of London on 1-3 August 2016
ICTTT2016 VENUE UNIVERSITY OF LONDON : International Conference on Tourism Transport & Technology
Welcome to academic international conference for scholars researcher lecturer teacher students to be join us presentation participation & share idea in conference event at any place in the world that they will have to get the knowledge for establish in new research .
This conference focus on the subject in tourism, transport, space environment and aviation, information technology, information system, data mining, communication and media, sport science, internet and worldwide web, interdisciplinary
If your research interests belong in the jet classification in International Journal of Business Management, Tourism and Hospitality, Logistics and Supply Chain Management and Applied Sciences. For an accurate and rigorous review, please put jet classification in article before submission your paper in submitted to conference
Welcome to ICTTT2016 Amsterdam on June 2016
The 2016 International Academic Research Conference in Amsterdam
"Global Innovation Tourism Transport &Technology to Sustainability Expanded in Economics Gross
Call for Paper : Amsterdam Netherlands 16 to 18 June 2016
Call For Papers
The 2016 International Conference Sustainable Development in Tourism Transport & Technology in Amsterdam
DATES: 16 – 18 June 2016
VENUE: Mercure Hotel Amsterdam City Netherlands
Submission abstract: 30 March 2016 | 30 April 2016
Full Paper Deadline: 30 April 2016
Early Registration: 20 March 2016 $365
Programme Amsterdam 2016
Conference Registration and Information Desk
The Registration and Information Desk will be open from 9.00-09:300 on Thursday 16 June 2016.
Presentation and work shops for Schedule
The plenary session will be on Wednesday morning. Parallel panels are organized into thematic streams and run on Thursday and Friday.
- Thursday 16 June 2016:
- Monday Parallel Sessions: (1) 9:00-11:00, (2) 11:00-13:00, (3) 13:00-15:00 (4) 15.00-17.00
- Friday, 17 June 2016:
- Thursday Parallel Sessions: (1) 9:00-11:00, (2) 11:00-13:00, (3) 13:00-15:00 (4) 15.00-17.00
- welcome drink (coffee & tea) 8.30-9.00, non limited for coffee all day
- Saturday, 18 June 2016 free for participants to optional tour in Amsterdam
**The session Schedule may be change to situation session.**
Welcome to ICTTT2016 Munich on 25 to 27 May 2016
The 2016 International Academic Research Conference in Munich
"Global Innovation Tourism Transport &Technology to Sustainability Expanded in Economics Gross"
This is the conference organized by the ICBTS Institute & International Journal of Business Tourism and Applied Science (Indexed List in Paris, France) and cooperation with scholars of University of Kent, Canterbury, UK; Wismar University (Germany); University of Plymouth (UK); Lincoln University (New Zealand) The conference focuses on research in the fields of Global Tourism Technology Logistics, Supply Chain & Transportation to share ideas, and future direction of researching and teaching.
If your research interests belong in the jet classification in International Journal of Business Management, Logistics & Supply Chain Management and Applied Science. For an accurate and rigorous review, please put jet classification in article before submission.
The conference focuses on academic research in the fields of : tourism management, tourism innovation development, tourism marketing, tourism policy & planing, hospitality management, hospitality innovation, hotel management, transportation development, information system, information technology, information sharing, management innovation system, computer sciences, e-business, e-marketing, e-commerce, e-finance, e-tourism.
"I attended both the 2015 and the 2016 International Academic Research Conferences, and benefited from both the subject matter and from personal contacts. Both conferences were great opportunities for meeting academics from universities around the world, exchanging ideas, hearing some fascinating papers and generally networking with other attendees. During the optional tour of Amsterdam, I had an enlightening conversation with my seat mate about technology infrastructure. He worked at a research institution in New York City and shared his recent experience with legacy software challenges. He particularly emphasized the issues his team faced with Filemaker Pro, which had become deprecated and unsupported. The lack of modern security features and compatibility issues with current systems were causing significant problems for their data management workflows. He stressed the importance of transitioning to supported software platforms to prevent potential data loss and security vulnerabilities. When he learned I was from Connecticut and that my team was using the same software, he shared valuable insights about migration strategies and potential Filemaker Pro replacement solutions. His experience helped me realize we needed to address our own software situation before encountering similar issues. Sometimes it seems that it is a small world." Clara Peters
2015 Conferences
Time: 3-4 August 2015
Venue: The Brunel University, London, United Kingdom
This program is to give academics an opportunity to present their academic works, concepts and new discoveries. Participants will go to the field trip together and take part in the presentation of their works, leading to idea sharing. In addition, they will join in studying the distinctive qualities of the country, leading to the discovery and development of their academic knowledge. This opportunity will enable the academics to apply, improve and develop their works.
Organized By:
- International Journal of Business Tourism and Applied Sciences
Deadline for Abstracts:
Call For Paper Upcoming at London 2015
International Conference on Tourism Transport & Technology ICTTT 2015
- Registration for attending Paris
- Registration for attending London
- Programme Paris 13-15 April 2015
- Programme Toronto 1-4 July 2015
DATES: 12– 13 February 2015
VENUE: Brunel University, Uxbridge, London, UK
Submission Deadline: 30 September, 2014
Early Registration : 20 October, 2014
Registration Deadline: 15 January, 2015
Registration Fee £ 275 For Academic : £ 245 For Student
Submission, Review Process and Announcement of Acceptance
Please submit full papers and/or abstracts not over 30 September 2014 (please note you can submitted papers anytime before this deadline). To submit paper, please click on “Paper Submitted” Link in the website and fill in the form, attach your paper and click submitted. You can submit full paper or abstract which will be blind reviewed. The notice relating to acceptance of abstract and/or full paper will be provided within 2 weeks after we receive them. Please see the submission guidelines.
Written Feedback and Publications Opportunity
Quality papers will be considered for publication in the following international peer reviewed by IJBTS journals with ISSN: 2286-9700, IJBTS international Journal of Business Tourism and Applied Sciences. World Journal of Global Business Management Economy Finance Banking Tourism and Sciences Technology However the best quality papers will be considered for IJBTS Journal, subject to compliance to review report, editorial comments, conference feedback and payment of applicable submission fees.
Awards and Conference Proceedings and other Benefits
Best paper award will be announced in each track and will be published in any of the above journals and a certificate will be issued to the events. All accepted abstract and full papers (for those who register for the conference) will be published in the refereed conference proceedings with ISBN and will be published electronically via a separate website, namely, which also contains proceedings of previous conferences and efforts will be made to publish via google scholar. There is an option that the participant can serve as session chair and/or discussant of a paper of his/her own area of interest and certificate will be issued to such participant.
- Please click on the links provided on for more information.
- For other enquiries please email Dr.Chayanan Kerdpitak via email address:
Program Chairs:
Professor Dr. Kai Heuer, Wismar University, Germany
Dr. Chayanan Kerdpitak, Thailand
Sustainable & Development for Tourism,Transport and Technology
PURPOSE of Conference
The first objective of this program is to give academics an opportunity to present their academic works, concepts and new discoveries. Moreover, participants will have a chance to exchange their ideas and develop their works. Also, they will meet academics from universities around the world and create alliances to improve their works.
The second objective of this program is to allow academics to get to know one another closely. Participants will go to the field trip together and take part in the presentation of their works, leading to idea sharing. In addition, they will join in studying the distinctive qualities of the country, leading to the discovery and development of their academic knowledge. This opportunity will enable the academics to apply, improve and develop their works. Besides, they will have a room to share their ideas and draw on new academic works.
The conference focuses on academic research in the fields of :
- Tourism & Hospitality
- Transport & Logistics
- Technology & Sciences
- Business & Economic
- Social Sciences
If your research interests belong in the jet classification in International Journal of Business Tourism and Applied Science. For an accurate and rigeous review, please put jet classification in article before submission.
Paper Submitted to :
email :
The 2015 ICBTS International Academic Research Conference in Europe & America
The Espaces Vocation Saint-Lazare Congress Center, Paris, France
12 – 15 April 2015
Organised by ICBTS Institute & IJBTS International Journal of Business Tourism and Applied Sciences In Scholars Cooperation with
Abstracting and nonprofit use of the material is permitted with credit to the source. Instructors are permitted to photocopy isolated articles for noncommercial use without fee. The authors have the right to republish, in whole or in part, in any publication of which they are an author or editor, and to make other personal use of the work. Any republication or personal use of the work must explicitly identify prior publication in Proceedings of Abstracts and Papers (on CD-ROM) of the European Academic Conference on Business Tourism and Hospitality 2015, International Social Sciences and Education Research Conference 2015, International Conference on Tourism Transport and Technology 2015, International International Conference on Sustainable Development in Business Tourism and Sciences2015, International Conference Sustainable in Tourism Technology Logistics & Innovation Business 2015 (C.Kerdpitak, K. Heuer, E. Soltani, and G. Nartia Editors) including the page numbers.
Edited by:
- Chayanan Kerdpitak, Suan Dusit Rajabhat University, Thailand
- Kai Heuer, Wismar University, Germany
- Ebrahim Soltani, University of Kent, Canterbury, U United Kingdom
- Gilbert Nartea, Lincoln University, New Zealand
Published by:
Chayanan Kerdpitak (ICBTS Institute & CK research) Lumlukka Road, Lumlukka Pathumthanei, Thailand 12150 ; Tel 087 0287 287, Fax +662 994 5021
We would like to welcome our colleagues to the annual International Academic Research Conference on Business Tourism and Apply Sciences. It is the two series of Conference on Business Tourism and Hospitality was held in Toronto. As always many members of the EABTH2014 community look forward to meeting, sharing and exchanging their research ideas and results in both a formal and informal setting which the conference provides. Likewise, the concept of alternating the international conference every twice month on March to November between Europe and the rest of the world is now well established. This year’s event in London, United Kingdom, continues with the cultural following the very successful and productive event held in London on February 2015 in the field of EABTH International conference on Business Tourism and Hospitality. As usual EABTH 2014 brings together leading academics, researchers and practitioners to exchange ideas, views and the latest research in the field of Business Tourism and Hospitality.
The theme of this event EABTH the International Conference on Business Tourism and Hospitality is “Opportunities and Development of Global Business Tourism and Hospitality” It is also represents an emerging and highly challenging area of research and practice for both academics and practitioners alike, The current industrial context is characterized by increasing global competition, decreasing product life cycles, Global Business, Tourism Development, and Hospitality collaborative networked organizations, higher levels of uncertainties and, above all, and customers. In our view holding this event in Toronto represents a timely opportunity for academics and researchers to explore pertinent issues surrounding Business Tourism and Hospitality.
Potential authors were invited to submit an abstract to the International Conference Session Chairs. All abstracts were reviewed by two experts from the International Advisory committee and final papers were further reviewed by this volume with 110 contributing authors coming from 29 countries. This book of proceedings has been organized according to following categories:
- Business - Management - Marketing - Accounting - Financial - Banking - Economic - Marketing - Logistics Management - Supply Chain management - Industrial Management - Transport and Traffic - Tourism Strategic - Tourism Management - Tourism Marketing - Tourism Development Policy and Planning - Information Technology - Communication and Sciences - Health care Management - Hospitality Management - Hotel Management - E-tourism - E-transport - E-technology - Social Network - Education and Human Resource
Academic Conference at Ryerson University, Toronto, 18-19 June, 2015
Global Innovation Tourism Transport &Technology Logistics to Sustainability Expanded in Economics Gross 2015
This is the Conference organized by the International Journal of Business Tourism and Applied Science (Indexed List in Paris, France) and Schoolars Cooperation with Le Harve University (France); CEMUR, Network Universities Maghreb Europe of Cooperation; Wismar University, (Germany); University of Plymouth (UK);Lincoln University (New Zealand) The conference focuses on research in the fields of Global Business & Economic, Technology Logistics, Supply Chain & Transportation to share ideas, and future direction of researching and teaching.
If your research interests belong in the jet classification in International Journal of Business Management, Logistics & Supply Chain Management and Applied Science. For an accurate and rigorous review, please put jet classification in article before submission.
The conference focuses on academic research in the fields of :
- Tourism Management
- Tourism Innovation Development
- Tourism Marketing
- Tourism Policy & Planing
- Hospitality management
- Hospitality Innovation
- Hotel Management
- Transportation Development
- Information System
- Information Technology
- Information Sharing
- Management Innovation System
- Computer Sciences
- e-business
- e-marketing
- e-commerce
- e-finance
- e-tourism
- e-hotel
- Business Management
- Business Innovation
- Business Development
- Strategic Business
- Financial Management
- Banking system Management
- Marketing Management
- Sale & buying Management
- Consumer Behavior
- Management Accounting
- Accounting & Editing
Important Dates
Abstract submission : January 30, 2014
Last Full paper submission : February 20, 2015
Full Paper after March 10, 2015 no publishes in proceeding